Teamassistenz - Büroorganisation (m/w/d) in Teilzeit (20-30 Wochenstunden)
Location: Porta Westfalica
permanent, part-time
Apply for Job

Apply for the job

We appreciate your interest in Pentland Firth Software GmbH. Please fill in the following short form. Should you have any difficulties, please contact us by mail at

Inputs marked with * are required.

Please upload your CV and supplementary documents (if any) in PDF, DOC, or DOCX format. Total size should not exceed 20 MB. Please note: You do not have to provide any special categories of personal data, e.g. health data, as part of your application. If you nevertheless wish to do so, you agree to us processing this data. You can withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future.

Drag and drop your files here or click to upload

    Drag and drop your files here or click to upload